The Chaser's Media Circus
The Chaser's Media Circus is an Australian television comedy quiz show broadcast on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation television station ABC. The series is produced by the Australian satirical group, The Chaser, consisting of Chris Taylor, Julian Morrow, Craig Reucassel, Andrew Hansen and Chas Licciardello.
The show is a panel-like game and quiz show, with contestants using their knowledge about current media events to win. It is hosted by Craig Reucassel and features Chas Licciardello interjecting occasionally with 'fact-checks'. The Chaser team members Chris Taylor, Julian Morrow and Andrew Hansen appear as contestants. It also features pre-recorded satirical segments about news events and media coverage between live segments.
In June 2015 it was announced that the show had been renewed for a second season which will consist of eight to ten episodes, airing in the second half of 2015Origins
In November 2013, the ABC confirmed a new series under the working title, We'll Have to Leave It There. Hansen announced on Twitter that the series will be filmed from 14 October to 2 December 2014. The show was renamed The Chaser's Media Circus and premiered on 15 October 2014. A second and final season aired on 10 September 2015.