The Chica Show is an American children's television series based on the puppetry segments of The Sunny Side Up Show on Universal Kids, which features the chicken puppet character Chica in full episodic and animated adventures rather than the traditional continuity of The Sunny Side Up Show. The program premiered on November 24, 2012, with a preview episode airing on October 31, 2012. The program began to air as part of the NBC Kids block on Comcast sister network NBC in February 2013, and is fully compliant with E/I regulations. A second season started on July 29, 2013.
Kelly – The shopkeeper of the Costume Coop, a store selling many different costumes.
Chica – A chicken puppet and Mr. and Mrs. C's daughter. Chica often causes problems in the live-action segments, only for Kelly to teach her a lesson and the lesson to be demonstrated in the cartoon segment. Chica's name is actually Spanish for "girl" or "cute".
Mrs. C – A hen who is Chica's mother. She has starred in many plays at the Coop.
Jett – A delivery man who was so fast as the jet plane.
In every episode, Kelly, Chica, Mr. C and Mrs. C tend to what the customer at the Costume Coop that episode needs. Things often go wrong in this part due to Chica, so Kelly tries to teach Chica the lesson of the episode. Then, the cuckoo clock goes off and Kelly said to Chica, The Coop Is Closing, But We're Not Done. Let's Lock UpThe Shop, And Have More Fun. and Mr. and Mrs. C lock up the Coop while singing a song. After, two eggs with legs hop out of the cuckoo clock and Kelly, Chica, Stitches, and Bunji turn into cartoon characters. Then, Kelly says "Time to dress up and play!" and the cartoon segment is shown, demonstrating the lesson that Chica learned.
"Captain Chica Redcomb" / "The Amazing Chicadini" : Chica loses a pirate party hat. / Chica learns to believe in herself while pretending to be a magician.
"Chica Rocks" / "Chica Twinkle Toes" : Chica learns to keep a beat in her imaginary rock band. / Ballerina Chica learns the importance of practicing.
"Cowgirls and Cowchicken" / "Icky, Sticky, Chicky" : Chica learns about following rules / Chica creates chaos in the coop when she doesn't want to clean up after making an icky, sticky masterpiece.
"Chica to the Rescue" / "Chica and the Vikings" : Fire Chief Chica learns how to be a hero. / Chica learns to be polite.
"Commander Chica Lifts Off" / "Chica the Artist" : Chica gets jittery during her imaginary space mission. / Chica discovers that everyone has their own special touch when it comes to creating art.
"Chica Plays the Egg Games" / "Super Chica" : Chica learns to be a good sport. /.Chica learns the importance of teamwork.
"Special Delivery Chica" / "Chica's Big Comb Circus" : The cuckoo clock in the Coop breaks and makes other animal noises. / Chica acts bossy while being the ringmaster of a circus.
"Reporting for WCLUCK" / "Doctor Chica" : Chica pretends to be a news reporter. / Chica, a fairy doctor, tries to cure Fairy Stitches of his "Wilted Wing."
"Chica Has the Chirples" / "Chica's Jug Band Jamboree" : Chica loses her voice. / No one can play in the jug band jamboree because Chica will not share any of the instruments.
"Chica Climbs a Mountain" / "Snow Princess Chica" : A cold wind forces Chica to cancel her luau plans, so see sets off on an icy adventure. / Chica becomes frustrated when she can't find a crown in the Coop.
"Vroom, Vroom Chica" / "Chica the Bock-a-Doodle Builder " : Chica and her friends race off on an adventure. / Chica learns about planning buildings.
"Farmer Chica" / "Bock-a-Doodle-Doo, I Love You" : Chica gorges on junk food. / Chica thinks that her parents don't love her anymore after she causes trouble.
"Chica's Fashion Squeak" / "Cheerleading Chica" : Chica creates a costume for her dad. / Chica plays hide-and-squeak.
"Chica's Checklist" / "Tippy Top Chica" : Things go topsy-turvy in the coop when Chica neglects her chores to play with Jett's new periscope. / Chica thinks she's too small to do anything.
"Chica's Tasty Treat" / "Chica's Sense-sational Day" : Chica wins a cooking competition by using an ingredient that no one else wants to try;. / Chica discovers there are other ways to see things when a blind customer enters the coop.
"Techno-Chica" / "Chica's Comedy Of Errors" : Chica uses Kelly's smartphone without asking. / Chica misinterprets some important information, and things get very confusing, with a trip to Shakespearean times, Chica learns that it's good to ask questions when things sound strange.
"Bock-a-Doodle-Loo Chica" / "Tweet Dreams Chica" : Chica wants to show her mom and dad how much she loves them. / Chica stays up late and realizes that she doesn't have enough energy to have fun.
"Lights! Camera! Chica!" / "Star Struck Chica" : Chica shoots a television commercial for The Costume Coop. / Chica meets her favorite celebrity and learns about personal space.
"All of a Kind Chica" / "Chica's Beach Party" : The coop is setting up a surprise birthday party for Jett. / Chica forgets to keep an eye out for the delivery guy.
"Chicasaurus Rex" / "Safari Chica" : Stomping like a dinosaur, Chica accidentally ruins Dad's model city. / The search for a costume makes Chica hungry; a trip to a Savannah watering hole.
"Chica Fancy Fish" / "Chica's Halloween Adventure" : Keeping the environment under the sea clean.
"Dance of the Sugar Cluck Chica" : Chica wants to give her parents a snow globe for Christmas.
"Little Red Riding Chica" / "Blue Ribbon Chica" : It's Mrs. C's big book signing day. / Chica does not tell Mrs. C about the rip in her mothers costume.
"Chica Bugs Out" / "Chica's Parade" : Chica discovers that even creepy crawly critters are really cool.
"Chica's Royal Choice" / "All Seasons Chica" : Chica believes that Jett doesn't like her anymore when he chooses a costume Kelly made for him over one made by Chica.