The Chosen (2016 film)
The Chosen is a 2016 film written and directed by Antonio Chavarrías. The film stars Hannah Murray, Alfonso Herrera, Julian Sands and Henry Goodman. The movie was filmed in Coyoacán, Mexico and Barcelona, Spain, and its release was scheduled for the first part of 2016. The film is based on the murder of Leon Trotsky in 1940.Cast
The Chosen received a 40% fresh rating on the Rotten Tomatoes review aggregator website. Andrea G. Bermejo, film reviewer for the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, gave the film three out of five stars, praising the performances of Alfonso Herrera and Hannah Murray. The Hollywood Reporter's Jonathan Holland wrote that Chavarrias' script covered the historical information "clearly and simply, and without over-falsifying the historical events," but the main character, Ramon Mercader, was "less interesting and a far cry from Alain Delon’s chilling depiction in Joseph Losey’s flawed The Assassination of Trotsky." The World Socialist Web Site's David Walsh, on the other hand, compared The Chosen favorably to Losey's "cold, unpleasant work," and praised Chavarrias' historical research and the script's characterization of Mercader.