The Chosen One (TV series)

The Chosen One is a Brazilian thriller drama web television series based on the Mexican series Niño Santo. Produced by Netflix in association with Mixer Films, both seasons were written by Raphael Draccon and Carolina Munhóz that also acted as co-executive producers. The first season, consisting of six episodes, premiered worldwide on June 28, 2019. The second season, consisting of six episodes, premiered worldwide on December 6, 2019.


The Chosen One follows three young doctors, who travel to a village in the Pantanal to vaccinate their residents against a new mutation of the Zika virus. They end up trapped in this community full of secrets and whose residents are devotees of a mysterious leader, who has the gift of curing diseases in a supernatural way.

Cast and characters

Season 1 (2019)

Season 2 (2019)



The series was officially announced on July 20, 2018. Netflix revealed that the production would be inspired by the Mexican series Ninõ Santo, created by Pedro Peirano and Mauricio Katz and based on the original idea of Pablo Cruz. The Brazilian version was adapted by the couple of writers Raphael Draccon and Carolina Munhóz.


Principal production of the first season commenced on September 22, 2018 in the city of Porto Nacional, Tocantins. In October 9, 2018 the production moved to Natividade, with some scenes planned to be shot in some of the city's main touristic sites.


On 17 May 2019, the teaser trailer for the series was released.