The Christmas Story (The Andy Griffith Show)

"The Christmas Story" is an episode from the American television program The Andy Griffith Show broadcast Monday December 19, 1960 on CBS. A family spends Christmas Eve in jail. "Christmas Story" is the eleventh episode in season one, and the eleventh episode in the complete series. The show is noted for being the only Christmas episode in The Andy Griffith Show complete series, and for featuring actress Margaret Kerry, the model for Tinkerbell in Walt Disney's 1953 animated feature film, Peter Pan. On December 25, 2015, CBS aired this episode in color, as part of "The Andy Griffith Show Christmas Special", which also included "The Pickle Story".

Plot summary

On Christmas Eve, department store owner Ben Weaver insists Andy jail moonshiner Sam Muggins. Weaver has brought along a jug of moonshine as evidence of Sam's wrongdoing. Andy complies with Weaver's request but feels it's only fair that Sam's wife Bess and his two young children be incarcerated as well, since they all had knowledge of Sam's moonshining. With the Muggins family in jail, Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee, Ellie, and Opie have their planned Christmas party relocated to the Sheriff's office, bringing a holiday feast with all the trimmings for the family and a Christmas tree to decorate. Peeping at the window, Ben Weaver is touched with the Christmas spirit and tries to get himself arrested in order to join the fun. However, Weaver's initial efforts are unsuccessful due to the others' well-meaning efforts to keep him out of jail on Christmas. Andy only arrests Weaver, finally, after he dumps a garbage can in the alley and the sheriff realizes just what Ben is trying to do. Together, the men appear at the jail with a suitcase full of gaily wrapped gifts from Ben's store for everyone. Ben is welcomed and regaled with food and drink. Andy soon releases Sam and his family since there is now no evidence; Weaver has fallen asleep in one of the jail cells after finishing off the jug of Sam's moonshine.


"The Christmas Story" was released on DVD Paramount Pictures The Andy Griffith Show: Complete Series Collection, 2007..


The Herald-Dispatch ranked it number five on its list of all-time best TV Christmas episodes.