The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and masturbation

On many occasions spanning over a century, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have taught that adherents should not masturbate as part of obedience to the code of conduct known as the law of chastity. The LDS Church places great emphasis on the law of chastity. Commitment to live the law of chastity is required for baptism, and adherence is required to receive a temple recommend, and is part of the temple endowment ceremony covenants devout participants promise by oath to keep. While serving as church president, Spencer W. Kimball taught that the law of chastity includes "masturbation... and every hidden and secret sin and all unholy and impure thoughts and practices." Before serving full-time missions, young adults are required to abandon the practice as it is believed to be a gateway sin that dulls sensitivity to the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The first recorded public mention of masturbation by a general church leader to a broad audience was in 1952 by apostle J. Reuben Clark, and recent notable mentions include ones in 2013, 2016, and a 2019 update to the Missionary Handbook.
In their overview on the topic, Mark Mallan and Vern Bullough describe Mormon community attitudes and teachings on masturbation as having gone through four major stages while various official church publications and new opinions of leaders have emerged throughout the church's history:
  1. Silence, from 1830 to the first public statements
  2. Secular Conformity, characterized by following popular medical opinion ranging from viewing masturbation as unhealthy to harmless
  3. Counterrevolution, opposing modern medical views and scientific data
  4. Emerging Reform, indicated by Mormon literature suggesting that masturbation may be normal and not immoral
Although rhetoric has softened and become less direct, the prohibition on masturbation remains in place, but its enforcement and the opinions of local leadership vary. Additionally, the majority of church adherents’ views are at odds with those of top church leaders on the subject. During regular worthiness interviews LDS adherents—including preteens and teenagers— are required to confess of any sexual sins like masturbation to church leaders in order to be deemed worthy to participate in the weekly sacrament or in temple rites like baptisms for the dead. They are never asked explicitly about masturbation. Church leaders are instructed that masturbation is not grounds for holding a church membership council.

Timeline of teachings and events

Below is a timeline of events, publications, and speeches on the topic of masturbation in the LDS community.

