The Cloth Peddler (1917 film)

The Cloth Peddler was a full-length Azerbaijani silent comedy film made in Baku in 1917, based on the operetta by the Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov.


Set in Baku at the turn of the 20th century, a young successful businessman Asgar wishes to marry. He wants his bride to be the choice of his heart, however, Azerbaijani tradition restricted him from communicating with the lady as a lover before marriage. So Asgar decides to disguise himself as a mere cloth peddler and the young woman Guelchoehra falls in love with him. However, she is concerned that her father, Soltan bey will not allow her to marry a cloth peddler. Young Asgar then reveals himself to her father and asks for her hand in marriage. Seeing that he is indeed a wealthy young man, the father agrees and the two are permitted to marry.


The film was remade into a more popular version in 1945 and was performed on the stage in Azerbaijan.
For the 1945 remake see The Cloth Peddler.