The Day of Revolution revolves around Kei Yoshikawa, a boy in high school who one day is informed that he is genetically female. This shocking realization causes his family to grow closer together and Kei decides that he is going to restart his life as a girl named Megumi. Megumi takes a six-month leave from school and returns as a first-year student with Makoto Yutaka, the niece of the doctor who aided in Kei's transition; Makoto also helps Megumi adjust to living life as a girl. Megumi is quickly found out by her old male friends who all start hitting on her once they discover the truth that she was Kei. Shocked at their new behavior, Megumi is appalled at the thought of ever dating any one of them or even getting a boyfriend. After a traumatic experience with a former enemy, she tells her friends that she has chosen Makoto instead of any of them, though they do not back down in their pursuits. Megumi, in an attempt to avoid her persistent male friends, starts spending more time at Makoto's house where she meets her younger brother Mikoto, who is home during the summer from an all-boys boarding school. Megumi starts to become more fond of Mikoto, though still only thinks of him as a younger brother, while at the same time Mikoto harbors feelings for Megumi. Megumi and Mikoto go on a date together but are interrupted by Megumi's male friends and Makoto. Megumi attempts to protect Mikoto from her friends' teasing of him, and in the process causes Mikoto to confess his love to her. Megumi and Mikoto begin dating though are still constantly interrupted and are thus unable to progress their relationship very far even two years later. However, they resolve to make progress together.
The manga seriesThe Day of Revolution is written and illustrated by Mikiyo Tsuda and was first serialized in Shinshokan's manga magazine South between April 1998 and February 2001. Two bound volumes were released in Japan, the first in March 1999 and the second in May 2001. The series is licensed in English by Digital Manga Publishing, with the first volume released on September 20, 2006 and the second volume released on December 13, 2006. It has also been published in Germany by Egmont Manga & Anime and in France by Kazé. The additional kanjiZoku was added to the beginning of the Japanese version of the second volume. Tsuda wrote in the second volume that she had intended the story to be complete after the first volume, but was persuaded by a good friend and fellow manga authorEiki Eiki that the story had not been satisfactorily ended, and needed a more conclusive resolution.
Drama CDs
Two drama CDs based on the manga were published by Shinshokan in Japan. The first was released on July 28, 2001, and the second was released on March 15, 2002.