The Flying Machine (film)

The Flying Machine is a 2011 3-D live action/animated film produced by BreakThru Films. The film is directed by Martin Clapp and Geoff Lindsey, and stars Heather Graham and Lang Lang.


A family takes a journey across the globe on a strange and amazing flying machine, experiencing a series of adventures along the way.


The Flying Machine is produced by BreakThru Films and is their first feature-length film to be shot in stereoscopic 3-D. It is the first film to combine live-action and stop-motion in 3-D. It is set to the études of Frédéric Chopin, and is intended to mark his 200th anniversary. The score was arranged by writer-director Geoff Lindsey and is performed by the film's co-star Lang Lang.
A number of short films were produced alongside the feature, each to be set to one of Chopin's étude. A total of 25 were produced, and were made in a variety of styles and formats, using live-action, stop-motion, and animation.

Short film titles

The Flying Machine previewed at the Royal Festival Hall in London on 12 February 2011. It was shown on Sky 3D in 2011, and later released on DVD and Blu-ray.