The Ghosts of Motley Hall is a British children's television series written by Richard Carpenter. It was produced and directed by Quentin Lawrence for Granada Television, and broadcast between 1976 and 1978 on the ITV network. The series relates the adventures of five ghosts who haunt the crumbling, abandoned Motley Hall. Each ghost is from a different era, and all except one are unable to leave the confines of the building—and even Matt is unable to travel outside the grounds of the Hall. The only regular character who is not a ghost is Mr. Gudgin, a real estate agent and the de facto caretaker of Motley Hall. Though Gudgin is tasked with selling the hall and its property, the ghosts are anxious that it be sold to someone who will respect it and restore it to its former glory; consequently, they often work to thwart a potential sale to an unsuitable candidate. Gudgin himself is not an enemy of the ghosts, as he too is respectful of the hall and its history. The ghosts are generally unable to be seen by the living, although there are exceptions the White Lady can make herself visible to Mr. Gudgin... although actually communicating with him is difficult, as her appearances instantly terrify him.
Carpenter wrote a companion novel for the series for Puffin Books in 1977. A 3 DVD set containing the complete series was released by Network in 2005.
Bodkin - In life he worked as a fool at Motley Hall and died as a result of a cold he contracted from constantly being thrown in the duck pond for the amusement of his employer.
Sir George Uproar - In life a General in the British army and now self-styled leader of the ghosts in Motley Hall. He died falling down the stairs after a long, mostly inglorious career in the army.
Sir Francis 'Fanny' Uproar - Died during his twelfth duel due to being drunk. He is a stupid but likeable character.
Matt - In life he was a stable lad. The youngest of the ghosts, and the most recent arrival.
The White Lady - A ghost of a woman who died in Motley Hall. She has no memory of who she was in life and how she came to be haunting Motley Hall. She has been in the Hall the longest of any of the ghosts.
Mr. Gudgin - Caretaker of Motley Hall. In the past, members of the Gudgin family had worked as servants to the Uproar family.