The Ghouls

The Ghouls is a 2003 independent American horror film that was written and directed by Chad Ferrin.


Eric Hayes makes his living as a news stringer finding gruesome atrocities and filming them to sell to the media. One night, he stumbles upon some ghouls devouring a young woman in an alley. After discovering that he didn't have any film in his camera, Hayes convinces his friend Clift to help him track down the ghouls again.


The film was independently produced and shot guerrilla style in Los Angeles on Mini DV for $15,000.
Connor Foster plays the protagonist.


The Ghouls has been described as "a no-budget horror opus" and a "vicious cross between Paparazzi and ".
The film won the 2003 "Sinners Award" at the Saints and Sinners Film Festival.