The Howe Cup

The Howe Cup is an all-female American Squash team championship run since 1955 for all ages and abilities.

About the Cup


Pre 1983 there was no national level intercollegiate squash tournament for women until the Howe Cup was created. It got its name from Margaret Howe as her daughter Betty Constable believed that college level teams needed a national championship, this was when Margaret donated one hand engraved silver bowl, to be used as the tournaments permanent trophy. We get the name Howe Cup from this donation back in 1972.


1928 the inner-city championship tournament begins its first 5-person matches.
1955 the tournament is renamed to The Howe Cup in honour of Margaret Howe and her twins Betty Constable and Peggy White.
1958 'B Division' was created along with the 'B' trophy
1968 'C Division' is established with the donation of 'C Trophy'.
2008 'D Division' created with the trophy coming that year.
2009 because of the popularity of the cup, 4 divisions were opened. The divisions were named in honour of influential women's college squash players.

Winners List