The Hyderabad Public School, Ramanthapur

The Hyderabad Public School is located in Ramanthapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
The school was established in 1972. It is a branch of Hyderabad Public School located at Begumpet. It has over 1800 students in grades 1 through 12; teaching is in English. The teacher student ratio is 1:22. The school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and is a member of Indian Public Schools’ Conference. Admission into the school is through a recently introduced system of drawing lots. The school is an ethical, non-profitable, co-educational institution.


In 1972, The Hyderabad Public School Society realized the need for another public school. By resolution of the Board of Governors, the society decided to start a new unit. The Late Sri T.B.V. Subhramanyam was entrusted with the project and was appointed the founder principal. Thus a new unit of the Hyderabad Public School came into existence in a rented building at Panjagutta. Later, the Osmania University leased out of land in at Ramanthapur and the school was shifted to its present site.


The school has nine main buildings: the administrative block, the accounts office and the clerical staff, a two storeyed main academic block, the Principal’s academic office, the Vice-Principal’s office, the staff room, the assembly hall, laboratories, workshop areas, activity rooms and class rooms.
The school is co-ed. The boarding facilities are offered for boys only, with approximately 200 places for boarders.
There is a 25-bed dispensary, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer laboratories alongside a Mathematics lab.


Each class has four sections A, B, C, D based on the choice of the first language.

Sports and extra-curricular activities

The school in a closed campus has playgrounds for cricket,hockey, basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, kabaddi, tennis, tennikoit and table tennis.There is a children’s park near the primary wing and parallel bars adjacent to the boarding house.
Societies include the Science Club, the History Society, the Geography Society, the Debating Societies in English, Hindi and Telugu, the Quiz Contest Conclave and Gyaneshwar the Dramatics Society. The children function as the secretaries of the societies under the guidance of the teachers as chairman.
Investiture ceremony and Sports Day are held annually.

School ceremonies and traditions

The Hyderabad Public School is managed by the Hyderabad Public School Society through its Board of Governors. The Board of Governors comprises:
The Executive Body of the Managing Committee of H.P.S. Society also constitutes the Executive Body of the Board of Governors of H.P.S.

The House system

The student body is divided into four houses named after famous Empires:
The prefectorial system is a tradition of the school. A body of students is invested with its powers and privileges. The heads of the student body are the Head Boy and Head Girl.

Notable alumni