The Institute (2017 film)

The Institute is a 2017 American horror thriller film co-directed by Pamela Romanowsky and James Franco. It is based on a true story of a young girl's treatment at The Rosewood Institute in Owings Mills, Maryland, and stars Franco, Allie Gallerani, Tim Blake Nelson, and Lori Singer. The film was released on March 3, 2017.


Baltimore, 1893: young Isabel Porter checks herself into the Rosewood Institute, following the sudden death of her parents, and is subjected to extreme experiments in brainwashing and mind control by the insidious Dr. Cairn.


Gary Goldstein of the Los Angeles Times dismissed the film as 'silly' and that he mishmash of a script by Adam and Matt Rager is filled with arch attempts at period dialogue and much psychobabble. Franco and Romanowsky’s unsubtle direction doesn’t help.'
Matt Donato of Film Journal International also was not impressed with the film, criticizing the script, direction and approach to the material, saying that "watching The Institute, you’ll feel caught in a musty chamber with no escape, slowed by wolfsbane serums that beckon the deepest of sleep. No prescription will cure what ails this botched indie experiment"