The Jellies!

The Jellies! is an American adult animated sitcom created by Tyler, the Creator and Lionel Boyce for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The show was revamped from a series of the same name which was previously featured exclusively on Tyler's Golf Media app. It premiered on Adult Swim on October 22, 2017. The animation is produced by Augenblick Studios, and was renewed for a second season in October 2018. The second season premiered on May 19, 2019.


The show follows a family of anthropomorphic jellyfish and their 16-year-old human son Cornell. When the boy learns he was adopted at birth, he is shocked, and subsequently spirals out of control in an attempt to "find himself." As a result, he and his family and friends wind up in what the network bills as "uncanny situations."


Season 1 (2017)

Season 2 (2019)