The Kellner Family Foundation

The Kellner Family Foundation is a family foundation in the Czech Republic established by Petr and Renáta Kellner in 2009.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellner have supported educational activities in the Czech Republic through their foundation for over 15 years, and over this time they have disbursed over CZK 1.2 billion.


The Foundation was established in 2009 and provided 9 million CZK to aid several municipalities after the floods of 2010. In 2011, the Foundation reported that it had been merged with the Educa foundation in 2011. According to the media, the Foundation has donated in total CZK 91 million during the year 2013. In 2014, the Foundation exceeded that amount by granting over CZK 97 million. In 2017, the Foundation has donated almost CZK 88 million. In 2018, the Foundation has donated CZK 88 million.


The Kellner Family Foundation focuses on improving the quality of education at public primary school in the Czech Republic, namely through its Helping Schools Succeed project. It also supports financially disadvantaged students of the Open Gate grammar school which is located in Babice, a town near Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. The Foundation’s “Universities” project also provides grants to Czech students to study at universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Foundation has also made generous donations to individuals and institutions working on projects focused on health, educational and cultural activities.
The Foundation channels its efforts into four major projects: