The Legend of Three Kingdoms
The Legend of Three Kingdoms is a video game series originally developed by OdinSoft, later by UserJoy Technology. The series includes seven PC-based single-player titles and three online and one mobile titles, which haven been released in China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United States, and South Asia. It uses the events in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms as the backdrop for the plot.Series
Single-Player PC games
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms II
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms III
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms IV
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms V
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms VI
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms VII
Online games
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms Online
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms 2 Online
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms Web
Mobile games
- The Legend of Three Kingdoms