The Libertine (1969 film)

The Libertine was a 1969 Italian film directed by Pasquale Festa Campanile.


This is a sex comedy film about Mimi, a young widow who discovers that her recently deceased husband kept a secret apartment for his kinky desires. Frustrated that he did not explore his sexual fantasies with his wife, she embarks on a quest to understand perversion and sexuality. She uses her late husband's apartment to seduce various men, each time learning more about the depths of human depravation, as well as the extent of the sexual double standard for women
Finally, she meets the man who shares himself fully with her, appreciates her sexual daring and accepts her for whoever she is.


The New York Times said the film was "not nearly as clever, sophisticated and amusing as it archly pretends." The Guardian called it "pseudo-sophisticated, so fake as to be positively sick making and, what is more, thoroughly unerotic." The Washington Post complained "the film's own attitudes are far too conventional". The Los Angeles Times thought the movie was "at times... pretty hot stuff... has a little more style and wit than most Radley Metzger releases." The Chicago Tribune thought the film was "more clumsy than clever... just as unimaginative as the film it attempts to parody."