The Magic Hour (2008 film)

The Magic Hour is a 2008 Japanese film written and directed by Kōki Mitani.
According to photography experts, "the golden hour, sometimes called the 'magic hour', is roughly the first hour of light after sunrise, and the last hour of light before sunset, although the exact duration varies between seasons. During these times the sun is low in the sky, producing a soft, diffused light which is much more flattering than the harsh midday sun."
In photography and cinematography, the magic hour is only a moment and the most beautiful time of the day, when afterglow of a sunset lights up around. By extension in this film, it means "the most glittering years of everyone's life".


When a low-level gangster is caught having an affair with his boss's wife, he pleads for his life by promising his boss that he will recruit a famous hitman. When it quickly becomes apparent that he is never going to find the wanted hitman, he hires an actor to fill the role.
For much of the movie, the actor playing the hitman believes that he has been hired to play a part in a seemingly arcane gangster movie, and interacts with the other gangsters as though they are also hired actors. At times, this puts his employer in a precarious position.
