The Men's Room
The Men's Room is a British television drama miniseries that was produced by the BBC and originally aired on BBC2 from 25 September to 23 October 1991. The BBC heavily promoted it for the sex scenes it contained. The series, which comprises five 50-minute episodes, was adapted by Laura Lamson from Ann Oakley's 1989 novel of the same name, and stars Bill Nighy, Harriet Walter, Amanda Redman, Charlotte Cornwell and James Aubrey.
A black comedy and period piece set during the Thatcher years, it tells the story of an affair between two academics: a previously devoted wife and mother, Charity Walton, and a serial womanizer, Mark Carleton.
Nighy credits the series as being his breakthrough role. Following the broadcast, Amanda Redman became much better-known than Harriet Walter, the female lead.Cast
The series was released on DVD in 2013.