The Micropalaeontological Society

The Micropalaeontological Society is a scientific society based in the UK but with international membership, it was founded in 1970 for the promotion of the study of micropalaeontology.
TMS is established as a UK registered charity, number 284013, with the objective "to advance the education of the public in the study of Micropalaeontology" and is operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes. It publishes a journal, special publications and newsletter, organises meetings and makes various awards and grants.
The society is organised into six specialist groups, namely Foraminifera, Microvertebrates, Calcareous Nannofossils, Ostracods, Palynology and Silicofossils. The groups hold separate meetings, including field trips, throughout the year; these were traditionally meetings for UK-based members but have become more international in their scope. For example, the TMS joint Foraminifera and Nannofossil Spring Meeting have taken place in Denmark, France, Germany, Poland and, The Netherlands. The Society holds an annual conference during November each year. The most recent conferences have been held at the British Geological Survey, The Natural History Museum, London, the 2014 meeting will be held at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.


The Micropalaeontological Society was founded in 1970 as the British Micropalaeontological Group with the stated aim of furthering the study of micropalaeontology. The primary founder of the BMG was Professor Leslie Rowsell Moore of the University of Sheffield. The principal aims of the BMG were to host scientific meetings and to organise multidisciplinary micropalaeontological research on British type sections from all systems, and publish the results. The inaugural committee and technical meetings of the BMG were held in Imperial College London in 1971. The Group was organised by a main committee and had five specialist groups. The latter were the conodont, foraminifera, ostracods, pollen, spores, and non-calcareous microplankton, and other special micropalaeontological interests.
In 1975, the BMG became the British Micropalaeontological Society and it produced its first publication, a newsletter The British Micropalaeontologist. In 2001 the Society changed its name to The Micropalaeontological Society, to reflect the increasing international profile and membership. There are currently six specialist groups, namely Calcareous Nannofossil, Foraminifera, Microvertebrate, Ostracod, Palynology and Silicofossil. Members of TMS may elect to be part of one or more of these groups. Specialist group and general meetings are held throughout the year and the Annual General Meeting is traditionally held each November.
The society is one of the three main UK-based palaeontological societies and collaborates with the Palaeontological Association the Palaeontographical Society and the Geological Society of London via the Joint Committee for Palaeontology.


The society produces the Newsletter of Micropalaeontology twice a year. In 1982 the association initiated its serial journal, the Journal of Micropalaeontology. Between 1982 and 1983, one issue per year was produced; this was increased to two parts per annum in 1984. Prior to this the society published occasional publications such as stratigraphical atlases of individual microfossil groups and conference proceedings and the Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells. In 2003 the society changed the publication model from essentially self-publishing to using the Geological Society Publishing House for all matters associated with production and distribution. The GSPH now produces all the society Special Publications. To date, there have been 6 Micropalaeontology Special Publications produced with the GSPH:
The main committee comprises a President, Secretary and Treasurer, who each have a three-year term of office. The main committee also includes the editors of the Journal, Special Publications and Newsletter, as well as the Membership Secretary, Webmaster, Publicity Officer, Industrial Liaison Officer and Archivist. They are elected for a three-year term of office and are eligible to stand for a second term. At each main committee meeting a representative of each specialist group should be present. Group Representative positions are normally held for two years.

TMS Presidents

The Society offers a variety of awards and honours to the micropalaeontological community, including the Brady Medal, the Alan Higgins Award for Applied Micropaleontology, the Charles Downie Award, Honorary Memberships, Student Awards, Grants-in-Aid, TMS Educational Trust Awards.

The Brady Medal

The Brady Medal is highest award of The Micropalaeontological Society. It is named in honour of George Stewardson Brady and Henry Bowman Brady in recognition of their outstanding pioneering studies in micropalaeontology and natural history. The medal was commissioned and was awarded for the first time in 2007. The recipients of the Brady Medal are:
Grants-in-Aid are awarded annually to help student members of the Society and early career researchers with fieldwork, conference attendance, or any other specific activity related to their research which has not been budgeted for. The applicant can claim up to £500 towards their research activity.