The Misanthropic Bitch

The Misanthropic Bitch was a personal blog maintained by a person who referred to herself by the same title. Although originally referred to as a zine, TMB represented one of the earliest online personal "blogs", having originally appeared in 1997. One of her most widely known quotes is "Nothing can make one a misogynist faster than being born a woman."
The blog is often cited by other websites as a means of supporting a number of often controversial and opposing viewpoints, including on feminism, the desirability of having children, and White Male Supremacy/Misogyny, among others. It has been cited by columnists including Stephen MacMillan Moser at the Austin Chronicle.


The concept of TMB was a 19-year-old journalism student, and self-described misanthropic bitch, who comments on current events, society, politics, and various social issues. The vast majority of the writing was presented as being unapologetically controversial. TMB expressed iconoclastic views geared specifically against what would be considered societal norms. She steadfastly maintained her antipathy toward children and parenthood. She stated that she did not like children or ever intend to have any, opined that society places an irrational emphasis on children and parenthood, criticized Megan's Law for de-emphasizing parental responsibility, and excoriated pregnant teenagers as "poster children for forced euthanasia". She also claimed to have almost undergone a tubal ligation, which her doctor refused to perform as she was "too young".

Controversial stances

TMB openly mocked much-beloved public figures after their deaths, such as John F. Kennedy Jr., Mother Teresa and Diana, Princess of Wales, whom she regarded as a "pathetic slut". She leveled criticism at Terri Schiavo's parents and their advocates for their treatment of Michael Schiavo, criticized various aspects of organized religion in general, and the Catholic Church in particular, criticized PETA, opined that the suing of tobacco companies ignores the fact that cigarettes were long-known to be unhealthy since the late 19th century, indicated that she is against affirmative action because it is little more than "hand-holding", and wrote articles satirizing homophobia and creationism.
TMB advocated legalized pornography, legalized abortion, removing the words "Under God" from the American Pledge of Allegiance, and the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father in Cuba in 2000.
Among the controversial topics covered on The Misanthropic Bitch:
TMB was evicted from —her original web host; the blog's URL was — by the administrator after a personal disagreement regarding the 9/11 attacks. The most productive period for the blog was from its inception until 2001, but updates noticeably declined in later years. The final post was made in March 2005, with the blog going offline by mid-2007. The domain was later sold.