The Misfortune of Being Ned

The Misfortune of Being Ned is a 2014 animated short series created by the producers of the Annoying Orange web series. The series centers on the titular character of Ned, voice acted by Steve Zaragoza, a young boy who repeatedly finds himself in unfortunate situations. Having debuted as part of the Annoying Orange "Shocktober" event on October 9, 2013, the series aired every Wednesday, and ended April 23, 2014.


Series overview

Season 1 (2013)

No. in
TitleOriginal airdateNed's Misfortune

Season 2 (2014)

On December 18, 2013, Daneboe announced that The Misfortune of Being Ned would be renewed for a second season. The season premiered on February 19, 2014 with more episodes during the year.
No.TitleOriginal airdateNed's Misfortune