The Moment of Truth is an Americangame show based on the Colombian Nada más que la verdad format. Contestants answer a series of 21 increasingly personal and embarrassing questions to receive cash prizes. The show is hosted by Mark L. Walberg and ran on the Fox network from January 23, 2008 to August 8, 2009. On February 1, 2008, Fox ordered an additional 13 episodes of the show, bringing its episode order to 23. It was supposed to be on Fox's fall lineup, but was pushed back to make room for FOX's new game show Hole in the Wall, as well as the season finale of So You ThinkYou Can Dance.''
Prior to the show, a contestant is administered a polygraph exam and asked 100 questions —many of which are asked again in front of the studio audience during the actual taping of the program. Without knowing the results of the polygraph, he or she is asked 21 of those same questions again on the program, each becoming progressively more personal in nature. If the contestant answers according to the polygraph results, he or she moves on to the next question; however, should a contestant lie in his or her answer or simply refuse to answer a question after it has been asked, the game ends. If he/she gives a false answer before the $25,000 level of questions, he/she leaves with nothing; after the $25,000 level, if a false answer is given, the contestant leaves with $25,000. For each tier of questions answered correctly, the contestant wins the corresponding amount of money. A contestant may stop at any time before any question is asked and collect their earnings, but once they hear a question, they must answer it or lose the game. Answering all 21 questions truthfully, as determined by the polygraph results, wins the jackpot of $500,000. The questions vary, increasing in difficulty and degree of personal nature of the questions. Sometimes, a "surprise guest"—such as an ex-partner or a good friend—will come on the stage and ask a particularly difficult question. Friends, colleagues, and family of the contestant who are gathered near the player have access to a button which can be used to switch out a question once per game if they feel that the nature of the question is too personal, an option which is introduced to them after the third question. Though no contestant on the shows aired by FOX has answered all 21 questions in concert with the polygraph results, according to Mike Darnell, president of alternative entertainment at Fox, "In the vast majority of contestants, 99%, you get, 'Hmm, I was a little worried when I answered that question.'" The series requires contestants to sign an agreement that they will accept the conclusions drawn by the polygraph examiner. However, one contestant in the unaired second season did answer all 21 questions truthfully to win top prize. The contestant was Melanie Williams, a member of a secretive polygamist group. Most of the questions centered around the secrets of polygamy and what took place in the group in which Williams was a member. For $500,000, Williams' final question was whether she believed her father had sexual relations as an adult with a minor. She said she felt he did, and the lie detector determined her truthful for the grand prize.
The first episode was the lead out after the highly rated American Idol, and managed to rate very well itself with 23 million viewers, the highest rating for a premiere to that point in 2008.
In one episode, over the course of play, a female contestant admitted that she felt that her ex-boyfriend is the man she should be married to and to having cheated on her husband. The intro of the show featured a disclaimer by Mark L. Walberg in which he claimed it was highly debated whether or not the episode should even be aired and he was against it being aired, calling it the most uncomfortable situation he has ever been in on television.