The New Adventures of Lucky Luke

Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lucky Luke is a 2001-2003 French-Canadian animated television series based on the Franco-Belgian comic book series of the same name created by Belgian cartoonist Morris. 52 episodes were produced.
The show was directed by Olivier Jean-Marie and produced by Marc du Pontavice at the Xilam studios in Paris, France. The music for the series was composed by Ramon Pipin and Hervé Lavandier. A theatrical feature-length film directly based on the series titled Go West! A Lucky Luke Adventure was later released in 2007.


Lucky Luke is a cowboy who shoots faster than his own shadow. With the help of his faithful horse Jolly Jumper and sometimes also Rintindumb, he maintains peace and order in the Wild West. He hunts down desperadoes, keeps sharpshooters like Billy the Kid in check and constantly recaptures and returns The Daltons to prison.

Original French cast


Ten years after the last series of Lucky Luke episodes, Xilam has launched the production of new ones. The hope for Marc du Pontavice for this series is that it has to fill in the gap between the series already aired "which have aged" the new episodes "which have not aged". Fifty-two episodes were made with a budget of 120 million francs. These episodes are new stories written for the series.
Some characters are caricatures