The Odessa Review

The Odessa Review was a print English language cultural magazine founded and named after the Black Sea port city of Odessa, Ukraine. The magazine's final offices were based in Kyiv, though it has suspended publishing for the near future. Its focus is on issues related to the literary and intellectual life of Ukraine as well as policy, political and identity issues related to modern-day Ukrainian culture. A special emphasis is placed on cultural coverage covering the intellectual trends of the Black Sea Region. The magazine's target readership is the English language Ukrainian diaspora and readers interested in the development of contemporary Ukrainian culture as well as that of Eastern Europe. The magazine published thirteen issues in print form and online between 2015 and 2019, which became a cult classic collector item.

History and profile

The Odessa Review was launched in 2016. The first issue of the magazine included an extended interview with Odessa-based conductor Hobart Earle.
The editor in chief of the magazine is the American journalist and Tablet magazine contributor Vladislav Davidzon.
The Magazine took part in the “Odessa Reads. Odessa Is Read” Isaac Babel themed literary flashmob in the summer of 2017.
Monthly columns were written by the art critic Ute Kilter and the poet Boris Khersonsky. The well known political commentator and 'Odessa Talk' blogger Nick Holmov contributed a monthly column dealing with policy issues. Noteworthy contributors also included the historian Timothy Snyder, as well as journalist Peter Pomerantsev and the American art critic Barry Schwabsky.
In October 2017, the magazine put out a special issue related to Jewish-Ukrainian relations.
Publication of The Odessa Review was put on temporary hiatus by the editorial team in 2019.