The Orphanage of Iran

The Orphanage of Iran, subtitled "A Historical Account of a Genuine Holocaust in Iran", is a 2016 Iranian action drama film directed by Abolqasem Talebi and set during the Invasion of Iran in World War I and Persian famine of 1917–1919.


; British personnel
In February 2016, the film was screened in the 34th edition of Fajr International Film Festival as one of the few participated in non-competition section. It was released in October 2016. The film was displayed in Buenos Aires in February 2017, in an event co-organized by the Ammar Popular Film Festival and the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts.
Miguel Littín the director from Latin America also attended the international Ammar film festival and expressed his opinion about the film:
Although it seems difficult to represent the history, the characters and atmosphere are created in a perfect way and I saw the tone, narration and what we are supposed to see in the history. I got pleasure from the film indeed.


According to Mehr News Agency, the film is "considered as anti-British work". It had a poor opening, grossing only $10,000 in the first week.

Awards and nominations