The Rabbi's Cat (comics)

The Rabbi's Cat is a series of comic fantasy comic books created by Joann Sfar. It was originally published in France by Delcourt as a series of graphic albums. English translations of the first five stories have been released by Pantheon Books.


Original publications

  1. La Bar-Mitsva , prefaced by Éliette Abécassis. Translated into German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Czech, and Dutch.
  2. Le Malka des lions , prefaced by Fellag. Translated into German, English, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Czech, and Dutch.
  3. L'Exode |L’Exode , with a preface by Georges Moustaki.
Translated into English, Polish, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, and Dutch.
  1. Le Paradis terrestre |Le Paradis terrestre , with a preface by Jean Giraud. Translated into German, English, Polish, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch.
  2. Jérusalem d'Afrique , prefaced by Philippe Val. Joann Sfar describes this album in a preface as a story against racism. Translated into German, English, Polish, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch.
  3. Tu n'auras pas d'autre Dieu que moi . Translated into German, Polish, and Dutch.
  4. La tour de Bab-El-Oued . Translated into Dutch and Polish.
  5. Petit panier aux amandes .

    In English