Influenced by events such as the 2000 US presidential election, 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, and Hurricane Katrina, Jay felt that there needed to be a news network capable of making complicated concepts accessible to the average person. Jay and crew officially opened shop in Toronto in September 2007. The Real News does not accept funding from advertising, governments, or corporations. During TRNN's development stage, Jay reported turning down $50,000 in funding from the Canadian government. Though the organization initially intended to sustain itself exclusively on viewer donations after its first three years of broadcast, it has not yet reached its sustainability goal. TRNN is therefore partially reliant upon grant money for its operating funds.
Relocation to Baltimore
TRNN moved to Baltimore in June 2014. Located at 231 N Holliday St., TRNN operates out of the largest sound stage in the city. After the network's success in Toronto, Jay desired to move TRNN to an American city, one facing social and economic problems endemic to cities across the country. Using video-calling services such as Skype, TRNN's anchors and hosts interview experts from all over the world on various topics of local, national, and international importance.
The Real News features experienced professional journalists from across the globe, and employs around forty people. In mid-November 2019, the board announced it was "finalizing the terms of" the departure of co-founders Paul Jay and Sharmini Peries, with openings for Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief.
Analysts and journalists
Former CEO and Senior Editor: Paul Jay
Former Chief Broadcast: Mishuk Munier
Former Journalist and Executive Producer: Sharmini Peries
Former Producer and presenter: Aaron Maté
Newsroom: Kim Brown, Thomas Hedges, Kathleen Maitland-Carter, Dharna Noor, Jaisal Noor, Kayla Rivara, Gregory Wilpert, Anton Woronczuk, William Arenas, Marc Steiner.
The Real News interviews economists, politicians, and policy experts about breaking news. Regular programs include "Reality Asserts Itself," multi-segment interviews on critical issues, and "Rattling the Bars" with host and former Black PantherEddie Conway. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, is a regular contributor. The climate change crisis is considered "an existential threat". For a time, progressive politician and activist Nina Turner hosted .