The Rocket Girls

The "Rocket Girls" were the women that worked at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory before the development of desktop computers. These women are mostly unknown, but they did the majority of all hand calculations for missions. Most of these women were given the nickname of "computers" due to their abilities in the fields of physics and mathematics.

The Women

Barbara Paulson

was one of the lead female computers hired by JPL.

Macie Roberts

was the supervisor of the female computers at JPL. She became the supervisor in the 1960's and continued her work for over thirty years.

Helen Ling

was a human computer supervisor at JPL. Ling followed in the footsteps of Macie Roberts as a supervisor for the female division of human computers. She recruited and trained female's that were proficient in mathematics and physics. Her legacy includes diversifying the female populus at JPL and continuing the excellence of female workers at NASA and JPL.

Eleanor Frances

Frances discovered many meteors and comets while working at NASA.