The Runaway (TV series)

The Runaway is a six-part British television crime drama series, adapted by Allan Cubitt from the novel by Martina Cole, that first broadcast on Sky1 on 31 March 2011. Directed by David Richards, The Runaway is set in the sleazy, gritty world of '60s and '70s London, and focuses on the doomed romance of East Londoners Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty. The series also co-stars Burn Gorman, Keith Allen and Kierston Wareing among others.
Principal shooting on the series took place in South Africa, which doubled up for 1960's Soho. Original music for the series was written by Chris Letcher, alongside Ben Bartlett. The Runaway was the second of Cole's novels to be adapted by Company Pictures for Sky, following on from The Take, starring Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley, that first broadcast in 2009. The complete series of The Runaway was released on DVD via ITV Studios on 9 May 2011.


Patrick Smith of The Telegraph said of the first episode; "Martina Cole's crime novels aren't for the faint-hearted: they are gritty, lurid and relentlessly brutal. It's no surprise, then, that the opening episode of The Runaway made for uncomfortable viewing. Although one moment captured this transformation perfectly, the rest of the episode wasn’t nearly as gripping. The central storyline was hackneyed, while Keith Allen, sporting a horrendous wig, sounded – irritatingly – as if he was channelling Danny Dyer. I was a little disappointed with Jack O'Connell, too. He wasn't bad. It's just that, having watched him play Cook in Skins with such élan, I was expecting a tour de force."
Metro published a slightly more positive review, writing: "Despite the Lock Stock clichés that lurked at every turn, The Runaway had me running with it. Opening with a knockout boxing scene straight out of Raging Bull, The Runaway had a sweaty, salty tang about it, an intensity that overcame the fact it staggered about, drunk on its own testosterone."


While unrelated by blood, Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty live as brother and sister growing up and embark on a secret relationship. The couple are torn apart when Cathy is sent into care, but she manages to escape and finds her way onto the streets of Soho. Befriended by colourful transvestite Desrae, Cathy grows up in the heart of London's underworld, while Eamonn is drawn into a life of crime and ultimately flees to New York. The pair are finally drawn back together in the midst of the nation's impending future, but their future is far from safe.
