The Squirrels (TV series)

The Squirrels is a British television sitcom, created by Eric Chappell, who went on to create the Yorkshire Television sitcoms Rising Damp and Only When I Laugh. It ran for 3 series and 28 episodes and was made and broadcast from 1974 to 1977 on the ITV network, by ATV. Phil Redmond, the creator of the soap opera Brookside, was also a writer for the series.


The theme was office politics in the accounts department of a fictitious TV rental company. Little work was seen to be done as the staff were usually skiving or engaging in office romances. Bernard Hepton played Mr Fletcher, the authoritarian boss who also saw himself as a 'ladies man' and Ken Jones played Rex, an unassertive subordinate.

Cast list

Pilot (1974)

All Episodes Written by Eric Chappell
The complete series of The Squirrels was released by Network DVD in the UK on 29 April 2013. This set contains all 22 existing episodes. Scripts for some of the missing episodes are included in PDF format on disc one.