The Uninhabitable Earth (book)

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming is a 2019 book by David Wallace-Wells about the consequences of global warming. It was inspired by the New York magazine article "The Uninhabitable Earth".


The book fleshes out Wallace-Wells' original magazine piece in more detail, dovetailing into discussions surrounding various possibilities for Earth's future across a spectrum of predicted future temperature ranges. It argues that even with active intervention, the effects of climate change will have catastrophic impacts across multiple spheres: rising sea levels, extreme heat events, extinctions, disease outbreaks, fires, droughts, and increased geopolitical conflict, among others.
While such changes are presented as already in motion, Wallace-Wells suggests that the future can still be salvaged with proper political and scientific willpower over the coming years.


The book received praise for its scientific approach to describing the potential impacts of climate change. It has been both celebrated and criticized for its dramatic depictions of future life on Earth. The Economist stated, "Some readers will find Mr. Wallace-Wells’s outline of possible futures alarmist. He is indeed alarmed. You should be, too."

Television adaptation

In January 2020, it was reported that The Uninhabitable Earth would be adapted into an anthology series on HBO Max. Each episode will be about the dangers of climate change. Adam McKay will serve as the executive producer.