The Unusual Suspects (novel)

The Unusual Suspects is the second novel in The Sisters Grimm series written by Michael Buckley and illustrated by Peter Ferguson.


Ms. Minerva Smirt comes to Ferryport Landing and informs the girls they must go to school, or she will send them to a foster home. Sabrina, Daphne and Puck go to school, but find many of the other students and teachers hostile. One of Sabrina's teachers is murdered and the Grimms decide to investigate. They discover a plot to drill under the school to escape the barrier. Charming gives the sisters the Little Match Girl's Matches, which can transport a person anywhere in the world. Sabrina wishes to go to the place where her parents are kept. She ignores Daphne's concern for consequences and goes to a dark place where her parents are. She finds a huge monster that breathes fire called the Jabberwocky and a small, insane girl in a red cloak. The rest of the story continues in the third book, The Problem Child.