The War Master (audio drama series)
The War Master, announced in June 2017, is a Big Finish Productions audio play series based on the TV show Doctor Who. It sees the return of Sir Derek Jacobi as The Master, a role he previously portrayed in the TV story "Utopia". The first volume consists of a four-CD box set; it was released in December 2017.. In July 2018, a further 3 series were confirmed for release between December 2018 – December 2019.
In January 2019, Paul McGann was confirmed as an appearance within the third series, Rage of the Time Lords, as the Eighth Doctor alongside Jacobi. Seán Carlsen reprised his role as Narvin from the Gallifrey series alongside Pippa Bennett-Warner and Nicholas Briggs as Livia and the Daleks.Cast
Series 1
- Jonny Green as Cole Jarnish
- Nicholas Briggs as The Daleks
Series 2
Series 3
- Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor
Series 4
- Mark Gatiss as The Master
- Seán Carlsen as Narvin
- Nicholas Briggs as The Daleks
Series 5
- Paul McGann as The Eighth Doctor
- Seán Carlsen as Narvin
- Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo as The Scaramancer
- Colin McFarlane as Morski
Series 1: ''Only the Good'' (2017)
Series 2: ''The Master of Callous'' (2018)
Series 3: ''Rage of the Time Lords'' (2019)
Series 4: ''Anti-Genesis'' (2019)
Series 5: ''Hearts of Darkness''
Series 6: ''Killing Time''