The X Effect

The X Effect is an American relationship-based reality television show created by Douglas Tirola, Teresa Sorkin and David Allan. The program originally aired from March 13, 2006 to March 26, 2008 on MTV, spanning three seasons and 25 episodes. The show was hosted by Thomas Bridegroom and Natalia Castellanos.

Show concept

The X Effect takes a look at current and former relationships to determine whether or not individuals wish to recapture a former love or continue nurturing a new relationship. During the show, two exes spend a weekend at a resort hotel. Each couple is presented with opportunities to rekindle their former relationship, through participation in romantic activities. While they are on their "date", they are covertly watched by their current partners, referred to as "the others", or "O's". At the end of the weekend, the exes must choose between their old and new partners.

Thomas Bridegroom

One of the show's hosts, Thomas Bridegroom, died on May 7, 2011 at age 29 after accidentally after falling from the rooftop of a four-story building in Los Angeles. One year later, his life partner Shane Bitney Crone released a YouTube video entitled It Could Happen To You, highlighting the implications of not being his legal partner and being denied access to Bridegroom's funeral. The documentary film Bridegroom is based on these events.