The Zimmer Twins is a Canadian animated series and website. The project was created by producer Jason Krogh and artist Aaron Leighton and is produced through Lost the Plot Productions Inc. A selection of the user-generated episodes is produced into broadcast shorts and air on Teletoon. Les Jumeaux Zimmer is the French-language version of the show and website. The Zimmer Twins is known for its unique format which combines online participation and broadcast delivery. Children are invited to create and share 1-minute animated episodes using a story editor and library of animation. The audience creates endings to short, professionally produced story-starters. Kids tell their stories by choosing actions, characters, props and backgrounds. They can also add their own dialog and on-screen text. New clips are occasionally added. The original Zimmer Twins website launched on March 14, 2005, with the show first airing on Teletoon in May. A total of 60 broadcast spots were produced and broadcast in the 2005/2006 season. By the end of the first season over 100,000 user-created episodes were created by over 50,000 registered members. A major revision of the site was launched July 1, 2006. A total of 120 broadcast episodes were broadcast in the 2006/2007 season and 32 more were broadcast in the 2007/2008 season. The site's population passed 200,000 on November 5, 2011. In 2008, the online audience voted to select the three most popular user-generated movies. The winners' movies were incorporated into a half-hour awards show special which aired on September 26, 2008 in English and September 20, 2008 in French.
Edgar Zimmer – The younger twin and Eva's brother. He is clumsy, out-of-date and unintelligent. He loves food and is good friends with 13. He has a superhero persona "Super Action Boy". He is originally voiced by Ben Head & Louis Grise.
Eva Zimmer – Edgar's older twin sister. Eva is intelligent, mature, and kind. She is annoyed by girls in her class who think she is a witch. She is talented in karate and other martial arts. She is also the leader of the Twins. She is originally voiced by Lauren Menzo & Jorah Dawson.
13 – 13 is the twin's cat, with lime green eyes and a straight-line mouth. He can talk. He dislikes baths and is very fond of fish. 13 is anthropomorphic as he can do many things humans can, like playing the guitar or holding objects with his hands. He has an alter ego, Captain Furball. And on some real occasions, he seems to be antagonistic towards Eva. He is originally voiced by Daniel Davies.