Theodoros Boulasikis

Theodoros I. Boulasikis was a Greek chieftain of the Macedonian Struggle from Serres.


Theodoros Boulasikis was born in 1873 in Serres. In 1905, he enlisted in Captain Zervas 's force, which acted in the area around Serres, while he was also a member of the "Orpheas" society, a local undercover center of support of the Greek Macedonian Struggle, posing as an organiser of musical and athletic events.
He initially fought as a rifleman in the areas of Serres, Bisaltia, Fyllida and Pangaion. In 1907, he was put in command of his group, which fought in Fyllida and Pangaion, rallying the Greeks living in the countryside. In the beginning of 1908, he fought in Zihni as the commander of a small group of six guerrillas.
In 1908, after the general amnesty issued after the Young Turk Revolution, he went to Serres, along with other local chieftains, where he gave up his arms and disbanded his forces, in a celebratory manner, cheered on by the crowd.
He took up arms again during the Balkan Wars and especially during the Second Balkan War, when he together with Doukas raised a force of locals, in order to prevent the occupation of Greek villages by Bulgarian forces.
Boulasikis spent the rest of his life in Serres, leading a simple life. He died in 1937.