This Time (Monika Linkytė and Vaidas Baumila song)

"This Time" is the song that represented Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2015. Monika Linkytė and Vaidas Baumila were selected to sing the song on 21 February 2015. The song finished 16th overall getting only 30 points in voting.

Live performance

The live performance was significant and very memorable. There is a few seconds pause in the song when after uttering one the lyrics "one kiss", Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila stop singing and exchange a mouth-to-mouth kiss, with the four backing vocalists also kissing on stage, one male with male, the other female with female resonating with the word "one love".
There is yet another pause in the live performance towards the end when Vaidas Baumila interjects addressing the attending public saying "People, if you feel the love, raise up your hand" and the immense response of almost the entire audience raising their hands.

Music video

The music video was released on 13 April 2015. It opens with the caption: "People were invited to listen to the song 'This Time' for the first time. We only asked them to react to the music". The two singers and the accompanying band invite young individuals picked at random to listen and join in. They are also filmed being together in separate scenes exchanging emotions and kisses, including gay and lesbian couples as well to convey the message of the universality of love.
