Tikhir Naga

The Tikhir tribe is one of the Naga tribes that mostly resides in Nagaland, India. They are listed as a Scheduled Tribe, in the official Census of India. However, due to lack of official recognition from Government of Nagaland are considered sub-tribe of Yimchunger tribe. The word "Tikhir" means "Dew People", meaning they were the first settlers of the place as they brush up the dewdrops.


They celebrate "TSONGLAKNYI" festival, which is observed from 9–12 October every year. The word 'tsonglaknyi' is made up of two words: Tseng means Shield and 'lak' means sanctification. Tsonglak Nye basically is a festival of the sanctification of Shield. It also means sanctification of the weapons along with their wealth and valuable assets, as well as the purification of the men folk before going out for head hunting. In short, it is a festival of purification. This festival is one of the most important among the Tikhir festivals celebrated, stretching for four days.


According to the 2011 census, the population of the Tikhir tribe in Nagaland was 7,537.