Tikkurila Upper Secondary

Tikkurila Upper Secondary School, abbreviated in Finnish as TILU, is the largest high school in Finland, with about 1200 students from years 10 to 12. The school is located in Tikkurila, Vantaa, and is approximately from Hiekkaharju's station. In 2018, junior high school graduates needed a minimum of 8.10 GPA to be admitted to study at Tikkurila Upper Secondary.
TILU classifies its courses into different class groups that focus on specific subjects. Since 2009 there has been a mathematics and physical education group, in addition to a music group. The school also provides a variety of media and different languages courses including Latin and Japanese. TILU's friend-school is in Singapore and the schools arrange visits to one another's schools annually.
Tilu's principal is Marianne Heikkilä, who is also a maths teacher.

International Baccalaureate

In addition to the typical Finnish curriculum, TILU offers the IBDP, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, with about ninety students in the school. In TILU, the IB subject choices are: