Time Team Live

Time Team Live is a British television series that airs on Channel 4. The first programme was shown in 1997 and the most recent was in 2006. Presented by the actor Tony Robinson, this is a live version of the archaeology series Time Team, showing more of what happens in real time, than when the cut-down episode airs on Channel 4.


Time Team Live episodes came from historically important sites. Instead of showing a 'best of' show, the live episodes were broadcast whilst the digs were actually taking place. Later, regular episodes were made from the best of the live episodes. Normally, regular sites were recorded in the same method, however, only a few were selected for live broadcast. The regular episodes were either a special, or a normal series episode.


Series 1 (1997)

Series 2 (1998)

Series 3 (1999)

Series 4 (2000)

Series 5 (2001)

Series 6 (2003)

Series 7 (2005)

2005 Extras

Series 8 (2006)