Toboggan (roller coaster)

Toboggan is a portable roller coaster that was built by Chance Industries from 1969 to the mid-1970s. The coaster features a small vehicle, holding two people, that climbs vertically inside a hollow steel tower then spirals back down around the same tower. There is a small section of track at the base of the tower with a few small dips and two turns to bring the ride vehicle back to the station. Each vehicle has a single rubber tire with a hydraulic clutch braking system that governs the speed of the vehicle as it descends the tower. The rubber tire engages a center rail that begins halfway through the first spiral. The ride stands 45 feet tall with a track length of 450 feet. A typical ride lasts approximately 70 seconds.


The coaster was invented by Walter House of Amarillo, Texas, and Chance acquired the manufacturing rights and started producing it in 1969. The coaster was designed to be a carnival ride, fitting on two trailers, but several units were purchased by amusement parks where they were set up as permanent attractions. When the ride was first offered in 1969 it had a price tag of $35,000. Chance built 32 of these units, two of which still operate at a permanent park. Many can also be found at carnivals all over the world.

Park installations

The following is a list of parks that are known to have operated a Chance Toboggan.