Toh (surname)

Toh is a surname in various cultures.


Toh may be:
Toh was the 17th-most common surname among ethnic Chinese in Singapore as of 1997. Roughly 25,300 people, or 1.0% of the Chinese Singaporean population at the time, bore the surname Toh.
According to the 2000 South Korean census, there were 54,779 people in 16,952 households with the surname spelled Do in Revised Romanization. This surname is only infrequently spelled as Toh in South Korea: in a study based on a sample of applications for South Korean passports in 2007, only 1.1% of applicants chose to spell it as Toh in the Latin alphabet, against 86.9% who chose to spell it as Do, and 9.7% as Doh.
According to statistics cited by Patrick Hanks, there were 154 people on the island of Great Britain and seven on the island of Ireland with the surname Toh as of 2011.
The 2010 United States Census found 445 people with the surname Toh, making it the 47,614th-most-common name in the country, up from 279 in the 2000 Census. In both censuses, slightly more than three-quarters of the bearers of the surname identified as Asian American, and between 10% and 15% as African American.


People with the surname Toh include:

Chinese surname 卓

People with another surname spelled Toh, or whose surnames as written in Chinese characters are not available: