Tokyo Shoseki

Tokyo Shoseki Co. Ltd. is a Japanese company engaged in the textbook and other publishing
businesses. The company is well known as the largest publisher of textbooks in Japan, but also publishes reference books and digital textbooks, educational assessment question, and many other general books, in a wide range of business areas.The company was founded in 1909.The company celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009.

Product areas


have been produced that correspond to the above textbooks. In addition, they have produced teaching materials that are compatible with digital textbooks.

Study reference book

A number of reference books, workbooks that correspond to the above textbooks have been published.

Educational Assessment

An educational Assessment for elementary and middle schools. In addition to ability of each subject, they also survey life behavior.


The company used to publish games like , Super Tennis. The company developed video games from 1986 to 1998; their last game was Go-Jin Senki for the Sony PlayStation. All resources were eventually re-allocated to their Tonkin House company. As of 2008, Tokyo Shoseki makes textbooks and educational software.