Tom Lewis (author)

Dr Thomas Anthony "Tom" Lewis, OAM is an Australian author, military historian, editor, teacher, and former naval officer. An author since 1989, Lewis worked as a high school teacher, and served as naval officer for 20 years, seeing active service in Baghdad during the Iraq war, and working in East Timor.
In June 2003, Lewis was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for meritorious service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the promotion of Australian naval history.


After reconstituting the Royal Australian Naval College Historical Collection, with which his Order of Australia is largely connected, Lewis was the Director of the Darwin Military Museum from 2009 until April 2014, when he took up full-time research on several World War I and II projects. Amongst these are his role as Lead Historian and Creative Designer for The Borella Ride, the re-enactment of the journey of Albert Borella VC to sign up for military service in 1915.
Dr Lewis was also Lead Historian for The Territory Remembers, a project of the Northern Territory Government to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the first attacks on Australia during the Second World War.
Lewis is the author or co-author of 15 books, all of which are works of military history except for one which charts the Tasman Bridge disaster – he was raised largely in Tasmania, although born in London. He was the editor of Headmark, the Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, from 2005 until 2016. His most recent works are:
Honour Denied – Teddy Sheean, A Tasmanian Hero, launched in Hobart in May 2016 by the Tasmanian Premier; The Empire Strikes South ; launched in Darwin on 15 February 2017 by the Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Darwin Bombed! A Young Person's Guide to the Japanese attacks of 19 February 1942. In July 2020 Big Sky Publishing will release his Atomic Salvation, a controversial analysis of the 1945 A-bomb attacks on Japan.
In late 2013 Lewis was elected to the Chairmanship of the Order of Australia Association, which has been renewed every year since. In 2015 he was appointed the Chairman of the Northern Territory Place Names Committee for three years, and in 2018 he was elected an alderman of the City of Palmerston. Lewis is also currently a teacher in the Northern Territory.

Academic qualifications

Lewis holds the qualifications of Doctorate of Philosophy ; Master of Arts ; Diploma of Education ; and Bachelor of Arts.

