The Tomasi–Kanade factorization is the seminal work by Carlo Tomasi and Takeo Kanade in the early 1990s. It charted out an elegant and simple solution based on a SVD-based factorization scheme for analysing image measurements of a rigid object captured from different views using a weak perspectivecamera model. The crucial observation made by authors was that if all the measurements are collected in a single matrix, the point trajectories will reside in a certain subspace. The dimension of the subspace in which the image data resides is a direct consequence of two factors:
The low-dimensionality of the subspace is mirrored trivially as reduced rank of the measurement matrix. This reduced rank of measurement matrix can be motivated from the fact that, the position of the projection of an object point on the image plane is constrained as the motion of each point is globally described by a precise geometric model.
The rigid-body factorization introduced in provides a description of 3D structure of a rigid object in terms of a set of feature points extracted from salient image features. After tracking the points throughout all the images composing the temporal sequence, a set of trajectories is available. These trajectories are constrained globally at each frame by the rigid transformation which the shape is undergoing, i.e., trajectory of every point will have similar profile. Let the location of a point j in a framei be defined as pij = T where xij and yij are horizontal and vertical image co-ordinates respectively. A compact representation of the image measurements can be expressed by collecting all the non-homogeneous co-ordinates in a single matrix, called the observation matrixP such that P is a 2F × N matrix, where F is the number of frames and N the number of feature points. Ideally, the observation matrix, should contain perfect information about the object being tracked. Unfortunately, in practice, most state-of-art trackers can only provide point tracks that are incomplete and inaccurate if placed in an unstructured environment. As mentioned earlier, the central premise behind the factorization approach is that a measurement matrix P is rank limited. Further, it is possible to factor P into two sub-matrices: a motion and a shape matrix, M and S of size 2F × r and N × r respectively. The size and structure of S generally depends on the shape properties and M depends both on the type of camera model we assume and the shape properties. The essence of factorization method is computing The optimal r-rank approximation of Pwith respect to the Frobenius norm can be found out using a SVD-based scheme.