Tomoki Yoshikawa

Tomoki Yoshikawa is a Japanese futsal player who plays for Nagoya Oceans and the Japanese national futsal team.


He was born in Shiga Prefecture, Japan. In March 2007, he graduated Shiga Prefectural Kusatsu Higashi High School. In April 2007, he entered Doshisha University. In 2009, he moved Vasagey Oita in the F.League. In 2010, he moved Deução Kobe. In 2012, he moved Nagoya Oceans. From 2013 to 2014, he was captain of Nagoya Oceans.
In July 2015, he moved Magna Gurpea in the Spanish First Division on loan. In June 2017, he reterned Nagoya Oceans.
In August 2019, Nagoya Oceans won the AFC Futsal Club Championship, he was selected the Most Valuable Player.


; Nagoya Oceans
; Japan National Futsal Team
; Indivisual