Judge Yujiro Nakatani said that his Aum-related crimes began in 1989 with the strangulation killing of Shuji Taguchi, who had attempted to flee from the cult. He also murdered anti-cult lawyer Tsutsumi Sakamoto and Sakamoto's wife and son the same year.
Before the Tokyo subway gas attack, Asahara wanted to try the sarin gas on humans. He chose his rival, Daisaku Ikeda, the leader of Soka Gakkai, one of Japan's most popular "new religions". Asahara directed his men to rig a spraying device on a suitable vehicle at one of the nights when Ikeda was supposed to speak in public. All was going well until the device began to leak, splashing liquid sarin onto Niimi, Asahara's security chief. Kiyohide Hayakawa was present and quickly administered an antidote in time to prevent Niimi's nervous system from shutting down. Together with Ikuo Hayashi, Niimi participated in the subway gas attack : Hayashi delivered the sarin-filled package and pierced it with a sharpened umbrella tip, while Niimi was a car driver.
Legal proceedings
Tomomitsu Niimi was eventually convicted of murder and other terrorism charges. Niimi was subsequently sentenced to death by hanging. Unlike other former Aum members involved in criminal acts, Niimi made no apologies. During an earlier court hearing, Niimi proclaimed his "absolute faith" in Shoko Asahara, Aum Shinrikyo's founder, and spoke about various levels of 'enlightenments' he had been able to experience during his religious trainings in Aum. He then spoke about human sufferings, saying that "some are suffering thinking that this world is illusory and some thinking that it is real. Concerning the former members who now testify against their guru who did them so much good, I believe their suffering is based on the perceptions that this world is real". Niimi was among the first 7 of the Aum Shinrikyo members on death row to be executed on 6 July 2018, including leader Shoko Asahara. Relatives of victims said they approve of the execution. Human Rights Watch however disapproved of the hangings.