Tomorrow's World Today

Tomorrow's World Today is a 2018 television series hosted by George Davison and Tamara Krinsky. It premiered on Science Channel on May 5, 2018. The series focuses technological innovations and best practices in sustainability. The first season also focuses on Davison's vision of building a sustainable "Park of the Future." Krinsky travels around the world to and learns about technologies and innovations that may help Davison build his park. The show was inspired by the long-running BBC program Tomorrow's World.

Emmy Nomination

In 2019, Tomorrow's World Today was nominated for a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design.


Season 1

101. "Park of the Future"

Davison unveils the Park of the Future for the very first time; this state of the art innovation and inspiration park consists of four worlds: World of Inspiration, World of Creation, World of Innovation and World of Production.

102. "The Energy of the Sun"

Energy power to the Park of the Future is on Davison's agenda; he wants to look at the greatest ways to power his park; solar energy has to be one of the sources in abundance that can help him.

103. "Home Grown Natural Gas"

Natural gas is another energy source that Davison wants to explore for the Park of the Future; he also wants to understand how if you cool it to minus 260 degrees it becomes liquified and can be transported all over the world.

104. "Sustainable Cotton"

The growing, harvesting and processing of cotton to make clothing is a very labor intensive operation, it also requires copious amounts of energy and water; Davison seeks to uncover sustainable lessons developed by a cotton clothing manufacturer.

105. "Connectivity, Security, and Smart Buildings"

Smart buildings are a way of the future, but they all need to have the utmost fastest connective technology; Davison wants to uncover how he can create a smart building and the technology required to connect them with fiber optic or copper cables.

106. "Mars, Space Travel, and Veggies"

Davison accompanies Krinsky to NASA; they take a journey from the past to the future, starting at the 1962 Mercury Mission Control and finish by buying two tickets to Mars.

107. "Taking Flight"

Davison needs to get people to the Park of the Future in the easiest way possible, which is obviously air travel, but is it by plane or by drones in the future; Krinsky does some research into airline travel and how they organize and schedule everyone.

108. "Managing Money, for tomorrow"

Davison wants to know more about cyber currency; they start researching what cyber currency means in the control room, which leads Krinsky to New York City; on her visit to NY she gets to meet the brains behind millions of credit card transactions.

109. "Park of the Future, Dark rides, Tree-house and Animatronics"

Davison takes on his challenge to find companies that can help him design the Park of the Future and the rides in the individual worlds; he also re-visits a group he worked with ten years earlier.

110. "Clothing DNA, Book Concept to Creation"

Davison meets up with Garry from Gildan who showed Krinsky in an earlier episode how they sustainable manufacture cotton in Honduras; Garry meets with Davison to talk DNA in cotton.

111. "Robots alongside Augmented and Virtual Reality"

Davison wants to know more about robots and sends Krinsky out in the field to take a look first hand at a group of different types of robots; she interacts with one of them to see if she can take on the task at hand quicker than the robot.

Season 2

201. "Bananas To Your Table"

In need of inspiration, George sends Tamara out to explore the latest sustainability innovations changing the world. Tamara peels back the science behind sustainable banana harvesting and how it can lead to fresher, healthier bananas.

202. "Growing Power With Tree Sustainability"

With sustainability still fresh on the mind, George sends Tamara to Alabama where she learns how technology, partnered with sustainable lumber harvesting and forest regeneration, can have a positive impact on the environment.

203. "Algae: The Power Of Tomorrow"

From electric vehicles to flying cars, the transportation industry is rapidly evolving and George wants to know what's next. Tamara packs her bags and heads to California where she gets the inside scoop on biofuels and how algae is being looked at as a fuel of the future.

204. "Automobile Protection and GPS"

While on the topic of transportation, George sends Tamara to discover the latest technology surrounding long-lasting automotive coatings. On the way there, Tamara ditches the map and uncovers the science behind the Global Positioning System and the important role it plays in our everyday lives.

205. "Insurance And The Gig Environment"

Things are getting too busy at Tomorrow's World Today headquarters for just one Field Reporter. George enlists the help of Jackie, an innovation enthusiast who he sends to learn about the latest breakthroughs in the insurance industry.

206. "Happy Cows"

Sustainable agriculture is important, especially when animals are involved. George sends Tamara to Michigan where she sees firsthand how robotics and technology are revolutionizing the dairy industry.

207. "Plastic To Fabric"

George sends Jackie to South America where she gets the inside scoop on plastics and how recycling efforts on the beach are turning ocean plastics into wearable fabric.

208. "Paper, Bananas, and the Environment"

Curious about sustainable packaging, George says "bon voyage" to Tamara as she sets out on her longest journey yet! While on her research mission to Indonesia, Tamara learns about biodegradable plastics and how water reclamation plays an important role in production.

209. "World Wide Logistics"

All this traveling has George thinking about logistics. Recalling the shipping operations Tamara saw while in Guatemala, George sends he off to learn more about the science behind worldwide logistics and long-lasting tires.

210 "Future of Plastic, Park Investment & The Inventsons"

Intrigued by plastic manufacturing, George wants to know how plastics are being manufactured to last longer. Tamara sets out on a research mission to uncover the latest breakthroughs in the plastics industry while George thinks Park of the Future.

211. "Closing the Recycling Circle"

George wants to know more about closing the recycling circle. Jackie heads off to uncover the science behind poly-use plastics and the strides industry leaders are taking to eliminate plastics from landfills.

212 "Missing Children"

Every second counts when it comes to locating missing children. George wants to know how technology is helping search and rescue teams locate children, so he sends Jackie to get the inside scoop with the teams leading the charge.

213 "IoT Internet of Things and Healthcare"

Curious about the Internet of Things, George wants to know more about how the web is giving us access to everyday objects like never before. From socks to medical devices, Tamara heads off to Arizona in search of answers.